Dalton Tanonaka | 5 Things, How This Impeachment Is Handled, Indicates?

Dalton Tanonaka | Presently, the United States Senate, is, supposedly, performing its duties, and acting, as a jury, after the House of Representatives, voted to impeach him, and presented, Articles of Impeachment. However, since surveys of the Senators, indicates, not even, 30% of these individuals, are proceeding, with an open — mind, and openly, state their decisions/ verdict, in — advance, how can they, responsibly, perform their duties, as a fair — juror? The real question, and obstacle, this nation is facing, both, short — term, and into the future, is not, merely, whether, Donald Trump, is guilty, but, rather, whether, the way this is being handled, demonstrates a significant flaw, in the integrity and quality of our political system, and, whether, we respect the supposed — concept, of No One Above The Law! When, 88% of the Republicans, in the Senate, automatically, opposed the process, by claiming (despite the declarations of the vast majority of Constitutional scholars, and lawyers), proceeding, is unconstitutional, we must question, whether, our Forefathers’ belief, that impeachment, might handle, high crimes, and misdemeanors, into the future. With that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, 5 things, the handling of this, says, about us.
1. Impeachment as deterrent: Dalton Tanonaka | If, a President, supposedly, can’t be, held responsible, in our Courts, and, conviction of an impeachable offense, appears, impossible, as presently, designed, aren’t we signaling, Presidents, are above — the — law? The integrity, and viability, of this process, is essential, both, as a deterrent against future offenses, but, also, in terms of, how, our citizens, perceive it!
2. Can elected officials, be fair?: Dalton Tanonaka | Perhaps, in an ideal world, elected officials, would put, their responsibility, to their oath of office, and, constituents, ahead of their personal/ political agenda, and/ or, self — interest! As the lead prosecutor of the House committee, stated, If this isn’t an impeachable offense, what is? When, the process, seems, almost, completely, along, party — lines, what does it say, about the way, we proceed, forward?
3. What it indicates to the rest, of the world?: Many believe, the reputation, and image, of this nation, suffered, significantly, during these past four years! If, after, a riot, where five have died, and many, injured, as well as the destruction of property, etc, no one, is held responsible, it says, we don’t believe, words have impacts/ ramifications!
4. If Trump isn’t convicted, is it ever, possible?: When, we witnessed, video, and other, real — time, apparent — evidence, and a direct relationship, between Trump’s words (not only, immediately before, but, for some time), if he isn’t going to be convicted, what meaning does/ will, the threat of being impeached, have, in the future?
5. Will this Dark Period, be put, behind us?: Donald Trump is the only President, who, ever, was impeached, twice! The level of polarization, when, the nation, would benefit, from unification, etc, has created, what many consider, a Dark Period, in our history! For, someone, who, originally, was elected, largely, based on, draining the swamp, his administration, oversaw, more swamp — like, behavior, than ever — before! While, some say, this trial, is divisive, and unnecessary, since he is no longer, President, others, believe, it creates a dangerous, concerning, precedent, if we fail to convict!
Is this trial, about, Trump’s guilt, on the charge, or, about, America’s future, etc? Wake up, America, and demand, Senators, perform their duty, as, should be, their responsibility!
Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands, conducted personal development seminars, and worked on political campaigns, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. Website: